On March 23, a delegation of six people, including He Guang, Director of the International Affairs Offceof Jiujiang University, and Shuai Shiyi, Dean of the Faculy of International Studies, visited our university.Everyone exchanged views on topics of the management of International students, Confucius Institutes development, Chinese language International education and so on.
Xiao Guifang, Dean of the School of International Education of our university, Cai Jinbao, Chinese Dean of the Confucius Institute, and other relevant teachers participated in the meeting.

During the meeting, He Guang introduced the background and purpose of this visiting.Then, Xiao Guifang extended a warm welcome to Jiujiang University teachers, and hoped that both sides would share their outstanding experience In international student recruitment, teaching, and management. Cai Jinbao expressed that they should learn from each other's experience in the operation and management of Confucius Institutes and develop together under the new situation of opening up.
Subsequently, the two sides had a more in-depth exchange on the Internationalization of education.